华人圣经爱心教会儿童事工服事10 岁以下来到教会的儿童。 我们的目标是: “教导孩童,使他走当行的道,就是到老他也不偏离。” (箴言 22:6)我们盼望带领我们的儿童从小就认识神,经历神,立志跟随神。
Chinese Fellowship Bible Church Children’s ministry serves all the kids coming to our church that are 10 years old or younger. Our mission is: “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it”. (Proverbs 22:6) We hope to bring our kids to God when they are little – knowing the God, experiencing Him, and having a heart to follow Him.
儿童教会 Children’s Church
- 儿童教会每个主日上午九时四十五分至十一时举行。
Children’s church is every Sunday from 9:45-11:00 am. - 儿童教会按年龄分两个班: 小学班 (1-5年级, 6-10岁)和 学前班 (3-5岁)。
Children’s church is divided into two groups: elementary school group for children from 1st to 5th grades and preschool group for children from preschool to kindergarten.
儿童主日学 Children’s Sunday School
- 儿童主日学每个主日上午十一时至十二时举行。
Children’s Sunday school is every Sunday from 11am-12pm. - 儿童主日学按年龄分三个班: 小学班(3-5年级),小学班(1-2年级), 学前班 (2-5岁)
Children’s Sunday school is divided into four classes: upper elementary school grade 3-5; lower elementary school grade 1-2; kindergarten 2-5 year-old.
主日婴幼儿看顾 Sunday Nursery
- 主日下午1-3点开设中文课程。根据课程深浅分布在多间教室。目的是教导孩子中文和向社区周边家庭传福音。中文学校日常运作由中文学校校长负责。
Chinese classes are offered at various levels on Sundays 1-3pm to kids from both church families and families in local community. Goal is to teach our kids Chinese as well as outreach/service to non-believers in the community. Regular operation of the Chinese school is managed by the headmaster of the Chinese school.