信仰告白 Statement of Faith

We believe:

  1. 父、子、圣灵,三一真神;
    Father and Son and Holy Spirit, the triune God;
  2. 圣经,神的话;
    Bible, the word of God;
  3. 基督耶稣,道成肉身,为人赎罪,死后复活;
    Christ Jesus, the Word become flesh for the redemption of sinners, who died and resurrected.
  4. 真理的圣灵,使人悔改、重生、成圣;
    Holy Spirit of truth, who leads people to repentance, to be born again, and to sanctification;
  5. 基督必再来,审判众人;
    Return of Christ to judge the world;
  6. 人犯罪,与神隔绝,无法自救;
    All people have sinned, are separated from God, and have no way to be saved by themselves;
  7. 因信称义的救赎,出於神的恩典;
    Salvation, justification by faith, out of the grace of God;
  8. 信徒教会,基督的身体,神的家;
    Church of believers, the body of Christ, the household of God;
  9. 洗礼和圣餐,基督耶稣的传授;
    Baptism and Lord’s Supper, received from Christ Jesus;
  10. 大使命,基督耶稣的托付;
    Great Commission, as commanded by Christ Jesus;
  11. 婚姻, 神所设立,一男一女终身的神圣盟约。
    Marriage,a sacred covenant set by God between one man and one woman for a lifetime。