若您有任何关于奉献的问题,请致电教会办公室+1 518-552-0799。
邮寄地址是:CFBC Attn: Fangqun Yu
2530 Balltown Road, Niskayuna, NY 12309
2)从银行账户设置定期奉献 – 推荐
* 设置自动支付选项较容易,备注会打印在支票上
* 银行会寄支票到CFBC
* 不需要支付邮资,也不会忘记奉献
3)电汇 – 最适合美国以外的奉献。请将奉献直接汇至以下账户:
银行名称:Trustco Bank
账户名称:Chinese Fellowship Bible Church (CFBC)
Swift code: 522051210
特别指导和备注:请注明奉献类别 (一般基金,建堂基金,爱心基金或宣教基金)
- 打开Subsplash链接:https://secure.subsplash.com/ui/access/TPZQ82
- 输入您要奉献的金额
- 选择“Frequency of Giving”(奉献频率)
- 点击 “Next”(下一步)
- 输入银行卡信息或与您的银行账户链接
- 选择您的奉献类别
- 目前只有 ‘General Fund’(一般基金)这个选项
- 选择是否“Cover Processing Fee”(支付手续费)
- 如果您不点击这个选项,奉献的一部分将用于支付Subsplash的手续费;
- 如果您点击这个选项,您将额外支付Subsplash的手续费,手续费用如下:
- 信用卡和储蓄卡 – 每笔转账收取2.9%的手续费
- ACH银行账户 – 每笔转账收取1%+ 0.30美金的手续费
- 如果您需要教会提供记录或作为您自己的记录,请添加备注信息。
- 点击 “Give gift of _____”(提交奉献)
- 您将会收到这笔奉献的电子收据,作为您的记录。
——————————————-English Instruction——————————————–
If you have any questions regarding offering, please contact church office at +1 518-552-0799 or email to cfbcalbany@gmail.com.
We accept the following offering methods:
1) Write a check paid to CFBC with purpose (General Fund, Building Fund, Love Fund or Mission Fund) and mail to:
CFBC Attn: Fangqun Yu
2530 Balltown Road, Niskayuna, NY 12309
2) Setup a regular offering either monthly or other interval in your own bank account – Recommended
* Easy setup with auto paid option and memo printed on the check.
* Bank will send a bank check paid to CFBC.
* No postage fee and won’t forget to make an offer.
3) Wire Transfer – Best for foreign transfers
Receiving Bank Name: Trustco Bank
Receiving Bank ABA #: 021300912
Recipient Name: Chinese Fellowship Bible Church (CFBC)
Recipient Account Number: 31817726
Swift code: 522051210
Special instruction and memo: Please specify the offering purpose (General Fund, Building Fund, Love Fund or Mission Fund)
4) Via Subsplash Platform
Procedure to Give through Subsplash Platform to CFBC Follow these steps to give to CFBC online:
- https://secure.subsplash.com/ui/access/TPZQ82
- Input dollar amount of offering
- Select “Frequency of Giving”
- Click “Next”
- Input Card information or link Bank Account
- Select the Fund you want the offering to go to
- Right now there is only one option of ‘General Fund’
- Click “Cover Processing Fee” if so desired
- If you do not click this, a portion of offering is given to Subsplash;
- If you do click this, you cover that portion given to Subsplash
- Credit and Debit Card – 2.9% per transaction
- ACH Bank – 1% + 0.30 per transaction
- Add a note if so desired for church records, or your own records
- Click “Give gift of _____”
- You will receive email receipt of your offering, keep for your records